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Veiled Chameleon

Welcome to the Veiled Chameleon page.

Adult length up to 18"
The ideal daytime temperature for Veiled Chameleons is between 75 and 85 degrees. There should be multiple branches throughout the habitat to allow for the regulation of body temperature. Nighttime temperatures should drop down to 65-75 degrees. Temperature fluctations are absolutely necessary and their enviroment should never be hot and stuffy. Additionally, a basking area should be created on one end of the enclosure to maintain a local temperature of 95-100 degrees. This can be achieved with a basking lamp and several climbing branches. The ideal humidty range is 50% or higher. This can be achieved with a through frequent daily misting.
Fluorescent ultraviolet light should be provided for 8-10 hours each day. The use of a timer will help maintain an accurate lighting schedule.
Veiled Chameleons are primarily insectivores (diet consists mainly of insects). Items such such as crickets, superworms, waxworms, butterworms, and mealworms all make great food items. Somthing to remember when feeding your pet is the gut-loading of the insects. Insects are only nutritios as what they eat, so a diet of leafy vegetables (especially kale), squash, and sweet potatoes should be fed at least 24 hours before being fed to the chameleon. For calcium and mineral supplementation, the crickets should be dusted lightly once weekly with a mineral/calcium powder. Chameleons naturally drink off leaves after it has rained. Misting the habitat each day will simulate natural rains and the chameleons will lap water from the leaves. You can also set up a drip system on top of the habitat that allows a single drip of water to fall every couple seconds. The drip system works best when the water falls onto a leaf allowing the chameleon to drink at their leisure.
Most chameleons are arboreal (primarily tree-dwelling) and need lots of climbing surfaces. Successful permanent maintenance requires at least a 40 gallon terrarium. A screen lid is essential for proper air exchange. The ideal habitat needs to be spacious, well decorated, and well ventilated without being drafty. A screened enclosurewill work the best for a habitat. This habitat can have a glass bottom and front with four sides being screened. The combination of a small ficus tree (Ficus benjamina) and silk plants is excellent in providing the sercurity a chameleon needs. The use of other branches is suggested to increase the options of climbing surfaces. As noted in the Temperature/Humidity heading, a basking area is needed. This basking area is best achieved with either an incandescent bulb or spotlight basking bulb being placed at one end of the habitat with a "basking-branch" placed underneath. Remember that the basking area does not need to get any hotter than 95 degrees.
A mixture of Bed-A-Beast covered with moist moss or cage carpet is an ideal substrate for adult chameleon terrariums. The substrate should be kept moist to maintain an even humidity level, but changed regularly to avoid bacterial growth. Substrate for young chameleons should allow easy viewing of prey items and waste. This will alert the owner to appetite loss and other possible concerns. Cage carpet works well as a substrate for chameleons under six months of age. It is important to offer food to crickets that are left in the cage with any young reptile. Crickets and other insects will take advantage of any food source; including young animals!
General Info:
Veiled chameleons are some of the most beautiful chameleons in the world. The males are well known for developing a large "casque" on their haeds as adults. Females develope a casque, but they are not quiet the "head dress" that the males attain. Chameleons are best known for their ability to change color. This variable allows them to disappear into their enviroment and communicate with other chameleons. Chameleons are pets that are best viewed and not handled. Most chameleons are very territorial; it is best kept singularly. All chameleons are similar in that they hunt with the use of a specialized eyes and tongue. The chameleons eyes rotate independently of each other to allow them to focus intently upon their prey. Once their prey is in view (and within range) their sticky tongue has the ability to shoot out and select prey up tp 1 1/2 body lenghs away. Many chameleons will accept prey right out of thier keeper's hand!