Adult length
up to 12"
Ideal daytime
temperature for mountain horned dragons should range between 65 and 75 degrees. Additionally, a basking lamp should be used
to maintain a local temperature of 80 to 85 degrees. Nighttime temperature should remain between 60 and 65 degrees. The humidity
for theselizards should be kept at or near 75 percent.
All mountain
horned dragons require ultraviolet lighting to maintain good health. Ultraviolet lighting is recommended for 80-10 hours per
day. The use of a timer will help to maintain an accurate lighting schedule.
Mountain horned
dragons are mainly insectivorous (eat mainly insects). Insects should be dusted with a vitamin/calcium powder. Suggested insects
are: crickets, mealworms, superworms, and waxworms. Worms such as eathworms, red wigglers, and butterworms may also
be included in their diet. These "dragons" require large water bowls for optional soaking. Water should be changed daily.
mountain horned dragons can be maintained in a 25 to 40 gallon terraium. A screen lid is essential for proper air exchange.
These lizards are best kept singularly. However, for multiple pets, increase habitat size accordingly to ensure each individual
has plenty of space to move about and not interfere with tankmates. A shelter for hiding is necessary, especially if multiple
pets are in the same enclosure. Misting the habitat several times a day (allowing tank to dry in between) will help maintain
proper humidity levels and allow for these "mountain forest" lizards to intake water in a manner to which they are accustomed.
Substrate (Bedding):
2" to 3" inches
of Bed-A-Beast and moss is recommended for "dragon" terraiums to maintain the proper humidity levels within the enclosure.
General Info:
water-loving reptiles do best in large terraiums and benefit from the use of air stones in their water bowls and live plants.
If possible, small features should be included within mountain horned dragon enclosures to simulate the moving water they
are accustomed to in their natvie habitat.