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Fire Belly Toad
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Welcome to the Fire Belly Toad page.

Adult lengh up to 3"
Ideal temperature for these toads should range between 72 and 78 degrees. The humidity for these toads should be kept at or near 80 percent.
Most reptiles and some amphibians require ultraviolet lighting to maintain good health. Although nocturnal (mainly active at night) toads don't require ultraviolet lighting, if it is part of the habitat design, it is recommended for 8-10 hours per day. The use of a timer will assist in maintaining an accurate schedule of light periods.
These toads do well on a diet consisting of a variety of vitamin/calcium dusted insects such as small crickets, waxworms, and small subterranean worms such as red wigglers. Adult toads should be fed 3-4 times per week. Juveniles should be fed daily.
Successful permanent maintenance requires at least a 10 gallon aquarium. A secure screen lid is essential for proper air exchange. The enclosure must include either a sloped large water bowl or allow for a swimming area. This can be accomplished by using gravel as a substrate and sloping it to form a "beach" area. It is also recommended that a small powerhead water filter is used to keep the water clean. Live plants can be used in toad enclosures to maintain humidity levels and create a natural atmosphere. Misting the habitat once or twice daily will help maintain proper humidity levels.
Substrate (Bedding):
2" to 3" inches of a gravel is recommended for fire belly toad terrariums.
General Info:
The more plants and secluded areas within the terrariums the better. Fire belly toads have sensitive skin and generally would rather not be handled. If handling is desired, it is important to wash hands before and after handling due to the natural skin toxins of the fire belly toad.